Before we can use the files view to manage the engagement, we will need to do some groundwork on the Cloud and CaseWare files.
You will need to create a separate entity on the Cloud for each individual audit engagement. For example, if you are auditing both a Company and a related Fund for the company you will need to create an entity for each audit.
Once you have created these entities you can group them together using the associations feature.
For every CaseWare file on the Cloud, you should consider applying the following:
Use the tagging feature, to group CaseWare files based on specific properties you can define yourself.
Use the staff assignment feature to assign staff member(s) to the CaseWare file.
Use the CaseWare Cloud workflow feature to keep track of the status of your CaseWare engagement files. You can setup a firm Workflow structure or tailor one to suit a specific engagement file for users to update as they work through the audit. In the coming CaseWare 2016 you are able to navigate to the file list of the entity and change the workflow status directly fromCaseWare Working Papers using the Cloud tab.
As engagement files are uploaded to Cloud, you can use the Files App on the Cloud to review and manage the status of the files.
Using the combinations above, you can easily review status of each engagement file, and export a filtered list to csv file to create a tailored report for your clients.