Creating a Footer
1. From the CaseView ribbon Document tab, select Modify > Footer 1 from the Headers/Footers area.
2. Highlight and copy (Ctrl-C) all 3 lines from the footer
3. From the Document tab, select Modify > Unused > Footer > Footer xx (Create New).
4. Click OK.
5. Paste the text into the new footer.
6. Click on the Modify button to close the footer.
Attaching a Footer
Once your footer is created, you need to attach it to the appropriate location in your accounts.
1. Go to where you have set your page to print landscape and place your cursor on the line with the page break.
2. From the Document tab, select Attach from the Headers/Footers area.
3. Attach the footer created above.
4. Do not adjust the header.
5. Click OK.
Note: Where the accounts go back to portrait, remember to attach Footer 1 so the page numbers will appear again.