A combination of map numbers and dimensions are used within the cloud financials SDS template to disclose movement information for the following:
Statement of changes in equity
Property, plant and equipment note
Intangible assets note
Investment properties note
Provisions note
Leases note: Rights-of-use assets movement table
Dimensions are are used to categorise map numbers for the following:
Net gains: Realised / unrealised
The structure of map numbers that use dimensions are displayed below.
If you have a detailed breakdown of the movement, you can map each of the accounts to the appropriate dimensions category. For example:
Once the mapping is complete, you can review the disclosure in the PPE note.
If your trial balance only contains the full PPE at cost and total accumulated depreciation, you can map the account to the opening balance dimensions.
Once you complete the mapping, you will need to post a reclassification journal to separate the movement balances to the appropriate dimensions.
Once the mapping and reclassification adjustments are complete, you can review the disclosure in the PPE note.
Because we use the group line reclassification journal, it is not visible on the trial balance data page.
You are also able to review the journal in the Adjustments tab on the engagement file.