After SQM has been enabled on your firm’s CaseWare Cloud site, a Cloud administrator will need to assign the app to the relevant staff to access and use. This is done one of two ways, as set out in the instructions below.

NOTE: Both options below can only be performed by a Cloud administrator.
OPTION 1 - Set up a staff group (Recommended for firms with a large number of staff)
Pro: Assign the app to all in the group in one go. In future, it is easy to determine who has access.
Con: Extra step and layer of accessibility, the group will need to be managed ongoing.
1. From the Cloud menu, select Groups.
2. Click New > Staff Group.
3. Enter an appropriate name for the group (this is a required field), and consider adding a
description if appropriate.

4. In the menu pane on the left of the dialog, select Members.
5. Select the staff that require access to the cloud app.
6. In the menu pane on the left of the dialog, select Apps.
7. Select the SQM app and the relevant advanced roles applicable to the group.

Only staff members who are implementing and designing the system of quality management for their firm is allocated the Design role. This is generally allocated to one or two people. Other users who will be working within the SQM to view risks and raise and complete tasks can be given the Operate role.
8. Click Save.
OPTION 2 - Assign the app to staff individually (Recommended for firms with a small number of staff)
Pro: Less complexity (i.e. no staff groups to manage, each staff member is an individual).
Con: App will need to be assigned to each staff member individually.
1. From the Cloud menu, select Staff.
2. From the list of Staff, select the first staff member that requires access to the app, then click
the Edit button (i.e. Pencil) in the top right hand corner of the screen.
3. In the menu pane on the left of the dialog, select Apps
4. Select the SQM app and assign the appropriate Advanced Roles.