CaseWare Working Papers
CaseWare customer experience improvement program: We collect data usage to help us better understand the user journey in our software to drive the development of high-value features and fixes. We do not collect personally identifiable information or client data and we will not use any data for marketing purposes.
Working Papers now integrates with Cloud's Queries feature. By linking Queries to your engagement file, your organisation can collaborate with clients on the engagement directly from Working Papers.
Issues can now be assigned multiple issue types. Assign all applicable issue types to further define an issue's criteria and improve discoverability when searching for issues with a filter.
Link multiple documents simultaneously when adding a document reference to automatic documents, images and PDFs, or Microsoft Office documents, rather than one at a time.
SmartSync Server parent files can now be renamed from Working Papers using a local sync copy. Before you can rename a parent file, all other staff must delete their sync copies first, otherwise it will be abandoned.
Added the CVIDEA cell function. Use this function to display information from a CaseWare IDEA .imd file in your document. If the .imd file is modified, any linked documents will automatically update.
Improved the functionality of lists in CaseView. You can now create multi-level lists with customised settings for each list level, including the option to alternate between bulleted and numbered lists. After customising a multi-level list, you can save it for reuse in CaseView documents.
You can now apply or remove multiple Rounding Relations simultaneously, rather than one-by-one. In the Rounding dialog, select multiple relations in the Relation List and click Apply This Relation to toggle between applied and removed.
Perform a year-end close and roll forward on one or multiple local files directly from Tracker. Performing a bulk year-end close enables you to generate multiple new files for the next year simultaneously.
You can now compress and uncompress SmartSync Server parent files from Tracker.
Added confirmation dialogs when selecting the following commands to prevent accidental modifications to SmartSync Server files:
Abandon all sync copies
Abandon specific sync copies
Clear synchronisation info
Delete server copy
Repair server copy
Result summaries for these commands have also been improved.
Improved how the Location column displays sync copy information when the Display SmartSync copies under location field option are enabled.
Revised APES 110 codes for all Independence Questionnaire using IESBA code as its base.The new code is operative from 1 January 2020 and supersedes the previous code originally issued in December 2010. The following documents affected are:
AASB 16 was issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board(AASB) in December 2018 and applies to annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2019. As a result the Audit template now has two new FSA groupings in Phase B. These new items are:
L - Right-Of-Use Assets
S - Lease LiabilitiesAdded footnote
Improvements to the SAMP and other Sampling workpapers for a more consistent approach.
Changed behaviour if more than one Benchmark is selected, SECTION 3 table will not total the the two benchmarks unless a weighting factor has been utilised.
The following feature enhancements have been added to the financials template:
Copy and paste a DIY table within the Notes section.
Define where to insert a Schedule (e.g. Detailed Profit or Loss Statement) into the financial statements.
The following areas in the template have been updated to accommodate:
Removing the initial adoption of AASB 9 and AASB 15 (For-Profit entities)
Adding the AASB 16 and AASB 15 (Not-For-Profit entities) content adoption
Statement of Financial Position
Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
Statement of Profit or Loss
Statement of Cash Flows
Statement of Changes in Equity
Notes - Change in Accounting Policy
Notes - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Revenue and other income
Notes - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Property, plant and equipment
Notes - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Leases
Notes - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Financial instruments
Notes - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies - Volunteer services (new)
Notes - Revenue and Other Income
Notes - Finance Income and Expense
Notes - Trade and Other Receivables
Notes - Property, plant and equipment
Notes - Intangible Assets
Notes - Investment Properties
Notes - Other Financial Assets
Notes - Leases (new)
Notes - Other Liabilities
Notes - Contract Balances
Notes - Financial Risk Management
AASB 9 and AASB 15 (For-Profit Entities)
Removed the initial adoption configuration which includes:
The word ‘restated’ assigned to the Prior Year date column heading
AASB 15 (Not-For-Profit Entities)
Added footnote
The word ‘restated’ will display in the Prior Year column heading if choose to restate
Added footnote
The word ‘restated’ will display in the Prior Year column heading if choose to restate
The following line items with respective mapping points have been added:
> Right-of-use assets (Non-current asset)
> Lease liabilities (Current)
> Lease liabilities (Non-current)
You will need to enable the budget column to disclose the beginning of earliest comparative period disclosure. The trial balance can be imported into the budget column.
AASB 9 and AASB 15 (For-Profit Entities)
Removed the initial adoption configuration which includes:
The word ‘restated’ assigned to the Prior Year date column heading
AASB 15 (Not-For-Profit Entities)
Added footnote
The word ‘restated’ will display in the Prior Year column heading if choose to restate
Added footnote
The word ‘restated’ will display in the Prior Year column heading if choose to restate
The following line items with respective mapping points have been added:
> Lease Income
> Lease Expenses
AASB 9 and AASB 15 (For-Profit Entities)
Removed the initial adoption configuration which includes:
AASB 15 (Not-For-Profit Entities)
Added footnote
Restatement line items for AASB 15 adoption
Added footnote
Restatement of line items for AASB 16 adoption
AASB 15 (Not-For-Profit Entities)
Added footnote
The word ‘restated’ will display in the Prior Year column heading if choose to restate
Added footnote
The word ‘restated’ will display in the Prior Year column heading if choose to restate
Classification of interest payments
AASB 9 and AASB 15 (For-Profit Entities)
Expired all related content as no longer required
AASB 16 and AASB 15 (Not-For Profit Entities)
Added new restatement tables for the statement of comprehensive income, statement of financial position, statement of cash flows and notes to the financial statements.
Added an option for you to select whether you want to restate or not restate the prior year balance.
AASB 15 (For-Profit-Entities)
Updated to exclude the following comparative year sub-notes:
Revenue - Introduction - AASB 111 & AASB 118
Sale of goods - AASB 111 & AASB 118
Grant revenue - AASB 111 & AASB 118
Donations - AASB 111 & AASB 118
Rendering of services - AASB 111 & AASB 118
Subscriptions - AASB 111 & AASB 118
AASB 15 (Not-For-Profit-Entities)
Updated to accommodate comparative and current year content
The following comparative year sub-notes have been expired:
Initial recognition and measurement
Financial assets
Financial liabilities
Impairment of Financial Assets
AASB 15 (Not-For-Profit-Entities)
New accounting policy
Updated to accommodate comparative and current year content
It has been moved from the Income Statement to the Assets group of accounting policies to be consistent with the main note sort position
Updated to accommodate Right-of-use asset categories
AASB 15 (For-Profit-Entities)
The following sub-notes have been updated to remove AASB 15 initial adoption configuration:
Disaggregation of revenue from contracts with customers
Unsatisfied Performance Obligations
AASB 15 (Not-For-Profit-Entities)
The following sub-notes are new:
Revenue streams
Volunteer services not recognised
The following sub-note has been updated:
Revenue from continuing operations
Updated to remove AASB 9 initial adoption configuration
AASB 15 (Not-For-Profit-Entities)
The following sub-notes are now applicable:
Impairment of receivables
Reconciliation of changes in the provision for impairment of receivables is as follows:
Updated to accommodate Right-of-use asset categories
Updated to accommodate Right-of-use asset categories
Updated to accommodate Right-of-use assets
AASB 15 (For-Profit-Entities)
Updated to remove AASB 15 initial adoption configuration
New note
AASB 15 (For-Profit-Entities)
Updated to remove AASB 15 initial adoption configuration
The following sub-note is new:
Amortisation of contract cost asset
AASB 15 (For-Profit-Entities)
Updated to remove AASB 15 initial adoption configuration
AASB 15 (Not-For-Profit-Entities)
The note is now applicable
The following sub-note has been expired:
Credit Risk - Trade and Other Receivables
The equivalent table resides in the Trade and Other Receivables note.
FIRM Introduction sub-note updated.
Summary table updated to remove AASB 9 initial adoption configuration.