How can I improve the performance of CaseView and CaseWare Working Papers

How can I improve the performance of CaseView and CaseWare Working Papers

When applications crash or exit abnormally the Windows temp folder can get clogged with left over tmp & bmp files.  
These left over files can cause CaseView to run slowly. In some tests, after clearing the Windows temp folder, opening a CaseView document went from 25 seconds to 2 seconds.

To clear the temp folder:
1. Close CaseView and CaseWare Working Papers.

2. From the Windows Task Manager, Click Start | Run.

3. In the Run dialog, type: %temp%.

4. Click OK. The Windows Temp folder will open.

5. Delete all BMP and TMP files from the folder that are older than 24 hour

  • Some files can’t be deleted as they will be in use by Windows.
  • Make sure that there is ample free space on C drive as this can cause CaseWare to run slowly.
Please consult your IT consultant for further information.


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