Issues can be assigned at all levels throughout the financial statements, from a main statement all the way through to a note text section.
The flag button represents an issue.
To add an issue, complete the following steps:
Click the flag button next to the area where the issue is to be added.
Within the issues dialog:
Enter the relevant issues description and format as required using the toolbar.
From the dropdown list select the preferred issue type.
Click Create Issue.
The issue flag now displays a red circle with a number which is the count of the number of issues assigned to this section.
Click on the flag to view the details of the issue created.
The default status of an issue is ‘Outstanding’. To change the status of an issue:
Repeat Step 4.
Select the preferred status of:
Resolve; or
The issue count will be cleared and the issue status will be updated based on the selection.
To correspond via an issue:
Click on the flag to view the details of the issue created.
Click Reply.
Enter a response in the text field, change the issue type (if required), and click Reply.
The detail of the correspondence is displayed within the issue.
To add additional issues where an existing issue has been created:
Click the flag button.
Click the + button.
Repeat steps 2a - 2c.
The issue count displayed in the flag will reflect the new issue created
Click the navigate button to view each issue.
As issues are created, they are added to the ‘Issues’ tab.
The issues within the ‘Issues’ tab can also be filtered by status type.