The financial statements have both global print settings and print settings for each statement area.
To adjust the global print settings, complete the following steps:
Click the Document Settings button and select Document Print Settings.
The ‘Print Settings’ dialog contains the following settings which can be modified:
Letterhead (default: None)
Footer (default: right aligned page number)
Page margins cm (default: refer to image below)
To adjust the page margins, type the preferred margin in the respective field.
Page Size (default: A4)
Watermark settings - refer to FAQ How do I Edit or Delete a Watermark in the Financial Statements?
Landscape (default: Portrait)
Page number display in Table of Contents (default: page numbers are displayed)
Modify as required, and click Save.
To adjust the print settings for a statement area, complete the following steps:
In the upper right corner of the statement area, click the More actions button and select Edit Print Settings.
Note: To adjust the notes to the financial statements print settings, click the Document Settings button and select Note Print Settings.
The ‘Print Settings’ dialog contains the following settings which can be modified:
Letterhead (default: Use document option)
Header (default: right alignment)
To change the alignment - click inside the header text section, select all text and click the preferred alignment button.
Footer (to change footer alignment - repeat header instructions)
Landscape (default: off (i.e. Portrait page)
Margins (default: Use document margin)
Modify as required and click Save.