How do I apply rounding to the financial statements?
The financial statements are able to be rounded to the following:
Ones (default setting)
All mapped account balances throughout the financial statements will automatically update the balance display based on the rounding option selected, however the rounding display for input balances will need to be manually entered.
To apply rounding within the financial statements, complete the following steps:
1. Click the Document Settings button, and select Rounding.
2. Within the ‘Engagement Settings’ dialog, select Financial Statements.
3. Click the Round to whole numbers drop down list, and select the preferred rounding option.
4. Click the Display decimal places drop down list, and select the preferred decimal option.
Note: Decimal place 0 is the default option.
5. The rounding information can be shown in either:
a. The description column headings
b. The numeric column headings
Note: Default option
6. Based on the selection in Step 3, change the equivalent rounding terminology in Step 5 (if required).
For example:
a. Round to whole numbers dropdown selection changed to Thousands (1000).
b. Click in the ‘Thousands’ cell, and change the rounding terminology from ‘000 to $’000.
7. Click Close.
8. The Financial statements will automatically refresh, and all mapped balances will show the updated rounding display, and the table column headings will also display the custom rounding terminology.

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