How do I modify the font size in all areas of the financial statements?

How do I modify the font size in all areas of the financial statements?

How to modify the font size for the entire Financial Statements:

Open the Financial Statements and complete the following steps: 

1. From the ribbon, select Home | in the Format group > Modify Styles or Format | in the Styles group > Modify Styles.

2. In the Style and Formatting dialogue, select Entire Document from the list of the tabs on the right. 

3. From the Size pick list, select the appropriate size (e.g. 9).

4. Leave all other formatting features as default.

5. Click Apply.

The Entire Document area encompasses everything within Financial Statements. 

The new font size will adjust items in the cover page as well.

To adjust the cover page independently, complete the following steps:

1. Open the Styles and Formatting dialogue. 

2. From lists of tabs, select Body | Cover Page.

3. From the size pick list select the appropriate font size. 

4. Click Apply.

5. Click Close.

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