The concept of a roll forward still applies to Agile Audit, however it is known as the carry forward procedure. This entails carrying forward data and responses from your prior year Agile Audit engagement into your current year engagement.
To carry forward an Agile Audit engagement from the prior year to the current, you will need to do the following:
Firstly, create a new Agile Audit engagement for the current year in the relevant client entity. To do this, navigate to the client entity on Cloud, and under the engagements section | Select New | Agile Audit ANZ.
In the resulting dialogue screen, name your current year engagement (best practice is to include the year end of the engagement at the end), and choose the prior year engagement from the carry forward data drop down.
Click Save when you have filled out all required fields. This will create and open the new engagement for the current year.
The new engagement will contain the prior year data, you simply need to import the current year data into the engagement to complete your accounts.
Upon importing your current year data. the next step in the carry forward process is to fill out the Optimiser. When you open the Optimiser in the current year engagement, you will note that it has captured the responses you chose in the prior year. You can agree or disagree with the response carry forward by selecting either the tick or cross mark next to each of the procedures.
If you have scrolled through the Optimiser and agree with all carry forward responses, you can bulk accept them by clicking on the carry forward icon in the top right corner and selecting 'carry forward all responses from the prior period'. Similarly, you can also bulk dismiss remaining carry forward suggestions here too.
Once the Optimiser is filled out, the structure of the engagement will reflect your responses. Checklists you have previously filled out in the prior year engagement will also capture your responses from the prior year, you can use the above methods to accept or dismiss the carry forward responses.
Any external documentation that was uploaded into the prior year engagement will also be carried forward into the current year. You can choose to retain the external documentation or dismiss it as shown below.