How to import Adjusting Entries into CaseWare

How to import Adjusting Entries into CaseWare

Users now have the ability to import adjusting journals via the Import function. 

Before we begin, it is important to note that you must have your journals divided into the following required and optional columns. 


  • Journal Entry - The journal entry number. We recommend following CaseWare's default entry of 1, 2,3...
  • Date - The period end date of the period the entry is recorded in. 
  • Journal Entry Description - Reason the entry is being processed. 
  • Account Number - The accounts being adjusted. 
  • Amounts - The amounts correlated to each account that's being adjusted. 
  • Entity - The entity's abbreviation if you have a Consolidation file. 
As an example, if you were importing 2 journals, the Journals should be structured like the one below: 

Once you have your spreadsheet setup as the format above, follow these instructions to import your adjusting entry. 
1. Open your engagement file. From the ribbons, select Engagement tab | Import > Excel File...

2. Select Adjusting Journal Entries from the Components to import drop-down. 

3. Browse for your Excel file that contains all the journals required to be imported. 

4. Click Next to proceed. 

5. Exclude any non-essential rows in your Excel spreadsheet such as Title and Total rows. 

6. Click Next to proceed.

7. The Adjusting entry defaults will load from the engagement file you are importing into. You will not need to change anything in here. 

Please note that the Type of journal can be modified post import. 

8. Click Next to proceed. 

9. Ensure you identify the columns as indicated in the Excel document. Refer to screenshot below for example. 

10. Click Next to proceed.
11. Click Import.

12. Browse to your Adjusting Entries screen and open the Adjustments pick-list and you should see your new journals in the list. \

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