How to set up Engagement Properties for Planning Balances?
In some instances, an auditor may want to import interim or planning
balances into an engagement file prior to year-end, in order to conduct
interim audit procedures.
CaseWare, in conjunction with the Audit System template allows users to
import planning balances into the engagement file, followed later by the full
year balances.
Note: When imported, the full year balances override the planning
balances. However, the FSA worksheet will retain the planning
balances for further reference.
In order to do this the engagement properties must be set and remain as
- Year-end Date should always reflect the full
year (Do not reflect the interim period here).
- Reporting Period Date Sequence tick boxes:
- For Yearly files have Yearly ticked
- For Semi-Annual files have both Yearly and Semi-Annual ticked
Tip: If you wish to retain a record of the planning balances in other
work papers (e.g. Leadsheets, Variance reports, Trial balance) outside the FSA
worksheet, consider using CaseWare’s PDF converter and include these PDFs in
the document manager.