The Agile audit solution offers three independence workpapers which assist auditors with the application of the independence requirements of both the Corporations Act 2001 (if applicable) and APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants.
There are three independence workpapers that should be completed in order to assist the audit team in confirming independence:
1-000 - Independence Questionnaires
1-005 - Independence Summary
4-720 - Independence Sign-Off
1-000 Independence Questionnaires is designed to assist each team member to determine if they have any independence issues with the firm. Each team member must create their own questionnaire and review all questions to confirm there are no conflicts of interest.
Creating your own Independence Questionnaire
Upon opening 1-000 Independence Questionnaires the workpaper will be empty and will say No form to show.
Independence Questionnaire options
After you create your individual Independence Questionnaire, each team member must enter their Name and Role to generate the list of questions.
Name of Engagement Member. Enter your first and last name into the input box provided.
Role of Engagement Member. This is your role on the job. Select either Engagement Partner or Other Team Members. If you choose Other Team Members, you will need to select your specific role from the Other Team Member’s Role drop-down.
Note: The Engagement Partner will generate the largest questionnaire as they are answering on behalf of the firm. Other Team Members, despite your specific role, will all have the same level of questions to answer for this engagement.
Type of Audit Engagement. This is determined in OPT Optimiser to ensure all team members answer a consistent questionnaire for the appropriate type of engagement.
Answering the questions
Once you have established your own Independence Questionnaire component, you are now ready to answer the questions.
Note: The Independence Questionnaire is designed to only require you to select the checkbox in the Conflict column if there is actually a suspected Conflict of interest. If there are no independence matters or Conflicts of interest, proceed to the bottom of the document and sign-off the conclusion.
If a conflict exists you will need to:
Check the Conflict checkbox next to the requirement you are filling out.
Enter a Comment explaining the conflict and why it may be an independence issue.
Signing off Audit Conclusions
The Audit Conclusion provides you with an area to confirm all the information you have documented is accurate and complete.
1-005 Independence Summary is designed to provide the engagement partner with an overview of their staff and potential independence issues, prior to starting the engagement.
This Independence Summary will indicate;
the number of independence questionnaires completed by each team member;
the status of the independence questionnaires (a questionnaire missing a signed conclusion is considered incomplete); and
if any 'conflict of interest' raised in a team member(s) independence questionnaire.
If a team member has not signed the conclusion at the bottom of their component in 1-000 Independence Questionnaires, will this result in a Not Signed in the Conclusion Signed? column. To fix this, you must open your Independence Questionnaire in 1-000, by either
Pressing the pen icon ( ) next to your name in the 1-005 Independence Summary. This will open a window of your Independence Questionnaire.
4-720 Independence Sign-Off is designed to provide all team members with the ability to re-confirm their independence at the conclusion of the engagement. Rather than completing the 'Independence Questionnaire' again, you can simply reconfirm independence by selecting the Sign-off checkbox next to your name.
Navigating back to my Independence Questionnaire
The 4-720 Independence Sign-Off workpaper is designed more to reconfirm independence rather than editing the 1-000 Independence Questionnaires component. However if you need to navigate back to the source component within 1-000 Independence Questionnaires, press arrow icon ( ) next to your name. This will open a window of your Independence Questionnaire.
If you are experiencing problems with the 4-720 Independence Questionnaire table, press the checkbox next to the sentence:
“Toggle to view the new table for the questionnaire if the existing table do not work as expected”
This will turn off the old table and reinsert the new one for the end-user to sign-off.