How to use the Copy Components Feature

How to use the Copy Components Feature

Copy Components is a wizard that provides a step-by-step workflow for copying components from one template / engagement file into another. This wizard provides a clearer set of controls which allow the user to copy the entire template / engagement file or specified components of a template / engagement file.

The Copy Components dialog can be accessed from the ribbon, by selecting File tab | Copy Components. Components can be copied into the current file, from the current file into a new one, or into an existing file. 

Copy Into This File option: When this option is selected, the user is presented with a screen where a source file can be chosen. The selected source file contains the components to be copied into the current file.
Copy Into A New File option: This option presents the user with a screen where a path and file name can be entered for the new file that the components will be copied into.
Copy Into An Existing File option: This option will enable the user to choose an engagement file to copy the components into.

There are three options for the user to choose as a source:
Template: All installed templates will appear in this screen. Any permitted component can be copied from the listed templates.
Recent: The number of recently used files will appear in this screen. Any permitted component can be copied from the files listed here.
File: This screen allows any file on the server or hard disk to be used, to transfer any permitted component.

The Copy Components dialog enables you to select the components and documents that will be copied by the wizard.

All Components: Select this option to copy all components of a client file including the Document Manager, the Working Trial Balance/Report setup, mapping database, programs and checklists, the tickmark library, and CaseView documents.

The following components: Select this option to copy selected parts of the file. Items having no Select button ( ) to their right will be replaced in their entirety when selected.

The following components include:
  • Documents: Click Select to choose the documents that you want to include in the new file. The first time that you select this option, the Choose Documents to Copy dialog opens.
  • Grouping/Mapping: Select this option to copy group numbers and map numbers to the new file. The first time that you select this option the Choose Mapping or Grouping Components dialog opens. 
  • Structures: Select this option to copy structure definitions from the source file into the destination file. Click the Select button to specify which structures to copy.
  • Issues: Select this option to copy issues added to documents. Use this option to also copy and overwrite existing issue views and types.
  • Tags: Select this option to copy the Tags to the destination file.
  • Role Sets: Select this option to copy any existing role sets and their settings.
  • Tickmarks: Select this option to copy the standard and customized tickmarks and any extended descriptions.
  • Journal Types: Select this to copy any journal types to the new file.
  • Trial Balance: Select this option to copy the working trial balance, chart of accounts, leadsheet and grouping assignment, ratio classes, report setup, account linkage, adjusting journal entries, other entries, and map numbers assigned to accounts. Annotation and tickmarks copy unless the appropriate clearing options have been selected.
  • Security: Select this option to copy aspects of security including User Groups and their respective access rights. Since user lists are stored in the program folder, they are not copied.
  • Document Filters: Select this option to copy custom built Document Manager Filters to the new file.
  • Template Toolbar: If a template toolbar exists in the source file, select this option to copy the toolbar across. If no toolbar exists, this item will be hidden.
  • Layout: Select this option to copy the layout of the source file into the destination file. It evokes whatever current layout is specified on the Tools menu, under Options in the Layout settings of the source file. This option copies the [filename]st.xml file into the destination file, thereby replacing any existing .xml file.
  • History Settings: Select this to copy the settings found in the file history of the source file to the new file.
  • User Defined Data: Select this option to copy user defined information to the new file.
  • CV External Data: Select this to copy and merge data from CaseView external databases. When copying CaseView external data, older data is replaced by newer data and new data is inserted into the target file. Note that this feature does not support deletion of deleted data when merging. 
  • CaseView Repository Files: Select this option to import files from the CaseView repository that are referenced in the source file.
  • Mapping Purges: Select this option to import the mapping purges settings to the file.
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