Importing a Trial Balance into Agile Audit
To import a Trial Balance into an Agile Audit engagement, navigate to the Data page.

In the import screen, you will see there are options to import from Excel or CSV, as well as from the Quickbooks and Xero platforms.
Importing from Excel / CSV:
Click on the Excel or CSV button.

Click on the Browse for a file button.

Browse to, and select the required excel file, and click Open.

Each column in the trial balance needs to be defined by selecting the appropriate dropdown option above it.
For each column, make one of the following selections:
Trial Balance column
| Import column selection
Account number
| Account Number
Account description
| Account Name
Current year account balance
Choose one of the following:
| CY (Current Year: Debit and Credit combined column)
CY – Debit (Current Year: Debit column only)
CY – Credit (Current Year: Credit column only)
Prior year account balance
Choose one of the following:
| PY (Prior Year: Debit and Credit combined column)
PY – Debit (Prior Year: Debit column only)
PY – Credit (Prior Year: Credit column only)
Note: To exclude a column from being imported, select Do not import.
Checkboxes in the first column: Untick those rows which do not represent trial balance data, and are to be excluded from being imported.
This can include any of the following:
Heading rows
Title rows
Grand total
Upon making the appropriate selections, click Import.
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