If you are experiencing the issue whereby the new area for Right-of-use assets is not available for selection in the risk dialog, please follow the below steps:
1. Open the FSA worksheet
2. From the 'Audit menus' select Option | Display hidden items.
3. Right click the L Right-of-use assets line and select Hide Item. This will now turn blue.
4. Press the Save button (or CTRL S) to save the document. Behind the scenes this will correct the indexing issue in the CaseView Database.
5. Now we need to reverse what we did with L Right-of-use assets. Right click the L Right-of-use assets line and select Show Item. This will now turn black.
6. From the 'Audit menus' select Option | Display hidden items to deselect the view and hide the Blue FSA items again.
7. Press the Save button (or CTRL S).
If you open Risk dialog > FSA, all the missing item will be shown.