The financial statements have both global print settings (for the entire financial statements) and print settings for each statement area such as Notes to Financial Statements. The page headers for Notes to Financial Statements is linked to custom headers added in the Notes to the Financial Statements print settings.
By default, the Notes to the Financial Statements print settings should have a custom page header specific to the area. However, if the header was removed and is no longer appearing when printing the financial statements, users can follow the steps below to restore the page header.
1. Click the Document Settings button and select Notes Print Settings.
2. In the Print Settings dialog, select Custom header under the Header and Footer section. By default, the custom header should look like this:
3. If the Custom header is blank, you can restore the page header by clicking inside the Custom header area and adding in the contents of the header. Users are advised to use the Insert Formula/Data link option to link in content from other areas of the file/entity to help automate the page header.
4. To link in the Operating Name, place the cursor where the name needs to go and click on the Insert Formula option in the Formatting toolbar.
5. In the Data Link dialog, select Engagement Properties and click on the Operating name field to link in the Operating name in the page header.
6. Next, type in the Title of the area underneath the Operating Name - Notes to the financial statements. Users can also format the title accordingly to match the rest of the headers in the Financial statements using the formatting toolbar.
7. In the last line of the Notes header, the Year End Date can be linked in by using the Insert formula option. Select Engagement Properties and click on the Year end date to link in the date from the Engagement properties of the file.
8. Once the custom header is set, click on the Save option in the Print Settings dialog.
The custom Notes to the Financial statements header will now print on top of each page for the Notes to the Financial statements area.

Note: It is recommended for users to use the Insert formula option especially with the year end date when setting up their own content such as page headers. This will ensure that on carry forward, the year end date automatically updates to the next financial year without the user having to manually change all the dates in the next year file.