Prerequisites for Cloud Connector

Prerequisites for Cloud Connector


  • The firm has

    • a Caseware Cloud instance

    • access to

      • Smart Engagements

      • Cloud Connector licenced

  • Staff have

    • an active Caseware Cloud account

    • access to a

      • Smart Engagement

      • Cloud Connector license

    • MS Office 365 and Excel

Getting started with Caseware Connector:
  • Log into the firms Caseware cloud instance

  • Ensure the relevant cloud apps are enabled for the user

  • Select an entity, 

  • Open a Smart Engagement file

  • Select the Excel document from Windows Explorer and drag it into the Smart Engagement document manager

  • Open the Excel document in the Smart Engagement file

  • In Excel, enable the Cloud Connector add-in (Search function with code: WA200002239)

  • Log into the add-in using Cloud credentials

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