The following reconciliation checks have been added throughout the financial statements:
1. Statement of cash flows / Note: Cash flow information
The line items that constitute this reconciliation check are as follows:
- Statement of cash flows - direct/indirect
Net cash cash flows from/(used in) operating activities
- Note: Cash flow information > Reconciliation of net income to net cash provided by operating activities
Cash flows from operations
2. Statement of cash flows / Note: Cash and cash equivalents
The line items that constitute this reconciliation check are as follows:
- Statement of cash flows - direct/indirect
Cash and cash equivalents at end of financial year

- Note: Cash and cash equivalents > Reconciliation of cash
Total row
3. Note: Revenue and other income > Revenue from contracts with customers / Note: Revenue and other income > Disaggregation of contracts with customers
The line items that constitute this reconciliation check are as follows:
- Revenue from contracts with customers (for profit entities)
Revenue from contracts with customers highlighted sub-total
- Revenue from contracts with customers (not for profit entities)
Revenue from contracts with customers (AASB 15) highlighted grand-total
- Disaggregation of contracts with customers (upto three tables)
The total rows in each of the three following disaggregated tables.
4. Statement of profit or loss / Note: Income tax
The line items that constitute this reconciliation check are as follows:
- Statement of profit or loss - nature/function
Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income - nature/function
Statement of income and retained earnings - nature/function
Income tax
- Note: Income tax expense > Reconciliation of income tax to accounting profit
Income tax expense

Note: The
will appear against each line of the reconciliation check that does not balance. Clicking on
, will display a pop-up highlighting the out of balance amount in the comparison table.