What is preserved in a firm’s SMSF Audit template after an update?
Previously, any firm customisations made in the SMSF Audit template were lost during the SMSF Update. This meant that Firm Authors would need to redo their content each release.
In SMSF Audit 2022 Release (1 July 2022), the template now carries forward a firm’s customisations into new versions of the template. This means you will no longer need to redo these changes in new versions of your firm template.
Below are a list of the key firm customisation changes that will be preserved when the template is updated:
External documents and Placeholders added to the document manager
Queries or Query Templates
Checklists and any new and customised procedures within a checklist
Visibility conditions that have been applied to either a workpaper, folder or procedure.
Suppressed content, including default Caseware documents
To update the SMSF Audit template:
1. In a web browser, log into your firm Cloud using the following link:
Where FIRMNAME denotes the name of your firm.
2. Once logged in, select the Menu located in the top left corner of the cloud window.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the menu and select Settings.
The Settings option will not show unless the user has the Settings Admin or Admin system-wide role assigned.Using the navigation window:
Expand SMSF Audit
Select Manage 2021-22 Template.
Select Publish. If the Publish Template button does not appear, the template is already published.

4. Select Manage 2022-23 Template
5.Select Migrate Customizations from Previous Template
Firm Authors are always encouraged to review their template prior to releasing it to your audit team.
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