Why have CWANZ updated their Assertions?

Why have CWANZ updated their Assertions?

The table below details the post-October 2022 assertions that we implemented into Audit Products, to aligned with both IFAC and what is more commonly used internationally:

Audit Product Assertions

Classes of transactions

Account balances 

C - Completeness

  • Completeness 

  • Completeness

E - Existence

  • Occurrence

  • Existence

  • Rights and obligations

AV - Accuracy and Valuation

  • Accuracy 

  • Cut-off 

  • Classification

  • Accuracy, valuation and allocation

  • Classification

P - Presentation

  • Presentation

  • Presentation

The table below represents the current pre-October 2022 combined assertions:

Audit Product Assertions

Classes of transactions

Account balances 

C - Completeness

  • Completeness 

  • Completeness

E - Existence

  • Occurrence

  • Existence

A - Accuracy and cut-off

  • Accuracy 

  • Cut-off 

  • Classification

  • Rights and obligations

  • Classification

V - Valuation

  • Accuracy, valuation and allocation

  • Presentation

  • Presentation

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