Working Papers 2019.00.227 Hotfix

Working Papers 2019.00.227 Hotfix

This hotfix applies to Working Papers 2019.00.227 and addresses the below issues:

  • Assign mapping dialog -  If your template has more than 10,000 records in the mapping database, users may experience performance issues opening the dialog. 

  • Customer Experience Program - There are performance issues when the data for tracking our users in the software is being sent to the server when working in CaseView documents.

  • Tracker - There is an issue where the full file name is not displaying in Tracker.

The hotifx is provided as a set of dlls that will need to be copied into the program folder which is typically C:\Program Files (x86)\CaseWare.

Once you have downloaded the hotfix from here, you can extract the contents to the relevant location where you have CaseWare 2019 installed.

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