Agile Audit
Customise the date format in Agile Audit
The date format can be customised on an engagement basis or in the firm template. To customise the date format, click on the information icon and select Settings from the resulting list. Within Settings, navigate to the Dates tab. From there you can ...
How to add a currency into Agile Audit
You can add a currency to your engagement or firm template to support additional currencies. Please review the following video for how to add and remove additional currencies: Please contact for the password to view this ...
How to use the Agile Audit Balance Sheet and Income Statement?
Agile Audit engagements provide a couple of financial statement documents, such as, Income Statement (4-450) and Balance Sheet (4-455) to review the variance amount and percentage changes between the current and prior year. Watch the video below to ...
What's new in SE 2021-03?
Here is what's new for end users in SE 2021-03. Enhanced review tools in checklists You can now use review tools to track changes made in checklists after the reviewers have signed off. If the Modified since last review option is turned on in ...
How does the 2-100 and 2-600 in AGILE reduce duplication?
AGILE Audit reduces the need to re-enter information Watch the video below to understand how to utilise these efficiencies. Please contact for the password to view this video.
Why are some mapping numbers greyed out when assigning accounts in Agile?
When a map number has been assigned to a parent group (ex: Trade and other receivables) then it prevents accounts from being assigned to any child of that group (Ex: Trade receivables). The same goes for the opposite situation in which accounts are ...
Getting Started - Agile Audit
Before following the below steps, please ensure that all relevant staff have the Agile Audit ANZ app enabled within their cloud account. See Enabling Agile Audit for staff to learn how to. Step 1: Create an Agile Audit engagement For more ...
What causes the 'Modified since last review' warning to appear?
The Modified since last review icon () displays in the Documents page if any of the following changes are made to a document since the last time a reviewer has signed off on it. Checklists Add or remove a procedure Make a hidden procedure visible ...
Adding and customising Roles/Schemes
Previously in our SE product range, users were limited to a maximum number of 3 sign-offs per document. You would have the default preparer and reviewer levels, and if required you were able to activate a Second reviewer. Since we have activated the ...
How do I use the new Documents Screen in Agile/ SMSF Audit?
In April 2021, CWANZ have released a new Document page layout in our SE products. This includes AGILE Audit, SMSF Audit and XTEND. The new Document page presents the folders and documents down the screen vertically as opposed to horizontally. The key ...
What's New in Agile Audit?
April 2024 This Major update includes: Enhancements: Improvements to 1-005 Independence Summary which is now displaying team member positions and new links to the new Engagement Teams table in 2-600 Overall Audit Strategy. This will improve ...
Agile Audit mapping structure
Based on recent questions we have received from Agile Audit customers, we have developed this explanatory FAQ on the use of the current mapping structure in Agile Audit. Background: The Mapping structure included in version 1 was designed to be ...
Consolidation in Agile Audit
Although consolidation is a feature in Agile Audit, it is important to be aware of a few key rules/best practices: 1. Only Trial Balance and journal data will be consolidated - there is no consolidation of risks or documentation between entities ...
Enabling Agile Audit for staff
After Agile Audit ANZ has been enabled on your firm’s CaseWare Cloud site, a Cloud administrator will need to assign the app to the relevant staff to access and use. This is done one of two ways: Both options below can only be performed by a Cloud ...
Requesting an electronic signature from a contact
Within a query form, users are now able to request electronic signatures from contacts using our 'Simple Electronic Signature' function. This FAQ is split into two sections: How do I request an electronic signature from a contact? How do contacts ...
Independence Questionnaire templates
Attached are our standard templates for both the; Engagement Partner Independence Questionnaire Other Team Member Independence Questionnaire These can be downloaded, and once completed, can be added into the relevant audit engagement.
How do I use the Data tab?
The Data tab within both SMSF Audit and Agile Audit includes a number of screens, and is where data can be imported, viewed, analysed and referenced to. The following video walks through each of these screens, and summarises what can be done in ...
How do I use the Sample Selection tool?
If transactions have been imported into an Agile Audit or SMSF Audit engagement file, the transactions that make up a balance in the Accounts or Financial Groups screens, can be drilled down to by simply clicking the relevant blue balance: From here, ...
Importing a Trial Balance into Agile Audit
To import a Trial Balance into an Agile Audit engagement, navigate to the Data page. In the import screen, you will see there are options to import from Excel or CSV, as well as from the Quickbooks and Xero platforms. Importing from Excel / CSV: ...
How to map the Trial Balance in Agile Audit
To map the imported accounts: 1. Click on Assign Accounts in the Data page. All imported and unmapped accounts are listed in the Unassigned column, and all map numbers are available in the Groups area. Accounts are colour coded as follows: Debit ...
How to lock an Agile Audit engagement?
It is advised that once an audit has been completed, the lockdown process is performed to prevent any changes from being made. To perform a lockdown on an Agile Audit engagement, simply click on the Engagement Setup tab in the top left corner of the ...
How do I import transactions and use 1-200 Data Completion workpaper?
Introduction Transactions can be imported into Agile Audit and SMSF Audit engagements to allow auditors to drill down into the detail from the Trial Balance level. It is important to note however, that the import transactions feature should only be ...
How to create an Agile Audit engagement?
From the Cloud Menu select Agile Audit ANZ From the Entity dropdown select the entity you wish to create the new engagement file for. If the entity name does not appear in the immediate list, then: Enter the name of the entity in the Search field; ...
How to carry forward an Agile Audit engagement
The concept of a roll forward still applies to Agile Audit, however it is known as the carry forward procedure. This entails carrying forward data and responses from your prior year Agile Audit engagement into your current year engagement. To carry ...