Working Papers
How do I export Data from a Leadsheet into a Microsoft Excel file?
Within CaseWare Working Papers, Automatic Documents such as leadsheets are able to be exported into a Microsoft Excel file. Procedure: Right click on the appropriate automatic document. From the 'Right-click' menus, select Save as > Excel File. The ...
How to add a Working Papers document Saved as PDF format to the Document Manager?
Within CaseWare Working Papers, the 'Save As PDF' feature allows for any CaseWare document that is saved in pdf format, to be automatically added to Document Manager. To do this: 1. Right click on the appropriate document, and select Save As PDF ...
How can I use Microsoft Excel to tidy my ASCII Text files?
A direct import from the client's accounting package into CaseWare is not always possible. Therefore, it may be necessary to import the trial balance using the ASCII text file method. It should always be possible to export your client’s trial balance ...
How to Display All Documents within Each Folder of Document Manager?
1. Open 'Document Manager'. 2. Right click on any folder and select Expand All Folders. 3. To close/collapse all of the folders in 'Document Manager', complete the following step: 4. Right click on any folder and select Collapse All Folders.
Why is my Trial balance balancing in Excel but not in CaseWare
If your trial balance in Microsoft Excel is balancing well, but not in CaseWare it is likely that there are existing duplicated account numbers within your Excel Spreadsheet. CaseWare Working Papers will only allow unique account numbers to be ...
What is the difference between Sign out and Check out
The difference between Signing out and Checking out an engagement file is as follows: Sign out This feature allows the user to sign out a copy of the entire engagement file to a new location, leaving a read-only copy behind at the original location. ...
What is the CaseWare User List
The CaseWare User List will display all users who are currently in the CaseWare engagement file. As users open and close the engagement file, the user list will automatically refresh to add / remove users as necessary. Note: The Status bar also ...
What is meant by Factual Projected and Judgemental Journals in CaseWare Working Papers
The Adjusting Journal Entries page has been updated to adhere to the Clarified International Standards on Auditing by adding Factual, Projected and Judgemental misstatement types to Normal Adjusting and Unrecorded Entries Misstatement This option is ...
What are the practical issues when setting up a Half-yearly file in CaseWare
Setting up a half- year file: Setting up a half-year CaseWare engagement file is the most crucial phase to ensure correct presentation of data. In order to start using CaseWare / FinancialsIFRS to report half-yearly data, it is imperative that you ...
What are Placeholders
Placeholder is a feature that allows users to create placeholders entries on the Document Manager for external documents (including Word/Excel/File URL files) that do not currently exist in the engagement file. Placeholder entries allow firms or ...
Rename CaseWare Engagement Files
Note the following: An engagement file cannot be renamed within Windows Explorer. The rename function is not available when you currently have an engagement file open. To rename the file, you would need to be out of the file. (File > Close will ...
Mapping Guide
This guide attached below is designed to assist CaseWare users with the mapping process. It covers frequently asked questions about mapping and provides guidance on where to map accounts for the key financial statement areas and different entity ...
How to use the Time Tampering Cleaning Wizard
When the system clock is modified CaseWare will prompt the user with the Time Tampering Cleaning Wizard. To clean the time tampering you need to do the following: 1. Ensure the system date has been restored to the correct date and time. 2. Tick My ...
How to use the Copy Components Feature
Copy Components is a wizard that provides a step-by-step workflow for copying components from one template / engagement file into another. This wizard provides a clearer set of controls which allow the user to copy the entire template / engagement ...
How to Roll Forward an Engagement File
Note: There is only one correct way to roll forward an engagement file (whether it is an audit or financials file). 1. From the Engagement tab, select Year End Close to display the "Year End Close and Roll Forward" dialog. 2. Press the Browse button ...
How to report Translated Trial Balance of a Foreign Currency Entity in a Consolidated File?
If a trial balance for an entity that you are consolidating is in a foreign currency, to report on the converted values in the Consolidation file, you need to do the following: Procedure in the individual foreign subsidiary engagement file: Create ...
How to remove all zero balance or unused accounts
If you have accounts in an engagement file which have had no balances since the file was created, you can remove them easily. Please follow the steps below to remove the zero balance accounts. 1. Open the CaseWare Engagement File. 2. ...
How to mark all immaterial accounts with one click
To mark all immaterial accounts with one tick, follow the steps below: 1. In the Trial Balance screen, single left-mouse click on the current year column heading. 2. Highlight the immaterial accounts by clicking and dragging down the account number ...
How to import Adjusting Entries into CaseWare
Users now have the ability to import adjusting journals via the Import function. Before we begin, it is important to note that you must have your journals divided into the following required and optional columns. Required: Journal Entry - The ...
How to get Elimination entries to appear in the lead schedules
Leadsheets in CaseWare display the Normal and Reclassification adjusting journals by default. For a Consolidation engagement file you may wish to show the Eliminating adjustments. Follow the steps below to achieve this: 1. Open the Document Manager ...
How to Export CaseWare Documents to a PDF or Excel Document
There are three methods available for the user to export documents to a non-CaseWare user for review. - Save as PDF File; - Save as Web Pages; or - Save as Excel File. Save as PDF File The Save as PDF File feature converts a copy of the entire ...
How to display the detail of Adjusting Journal Entries in a Leadsheet
The standard format of a Leadsheet contains all adjusting journal information as a total balance under the Adj's or Reclass columns. CaseWare Working Papers also gives you the ability to display the Adjusting journal entries detail within the ...
How to Display the Debit and Credit Columns in the Adjusting Entry Screen
CaseWare allows users to display the Debit and Credit columns as an alternate display when processing journals. 1. Open the Adjusting Entries screen (Shortcut CTRL + J). 2. Click the Customize button towards the bottom of the screen. The Customize ...
How to Display or Hide Zero Balances within Trial Balance Leadsheets and Review Documents
This is a global setting that flows through to all automatic documents. To Hide: 1. From the File tab, select Options. 2. From the 'Properties' menu select Documents. 3. Untick the Trial Balance/leadsheets/analytical review/tax ...
How to delete Transactions entered into Trial Balance
There are multiple ways to delete a Transaction that has been entered. Method 1 1. Open Trial Balance and select your relevant Transaction to delete by double clicking on it. You will be brought the Period Year Balances, where you can delete the ...
How to create Prior Year Adjusting Entries
Step 1: Open the 'Adjusting Journal Entries' screen. Step 2: Click the New Entry button to create a new 'Adjusting Journal Entry'. Step 3: Enter or select the appropriate prior year date from the Date picklist. Step 4: Complete the remaining details ...
How to add a Hyperlink Annotation Reference
CaseWare Working Papers allows users to add a 'Hyperlink Reference' as an annotation. Follow the steps below to add a hyperlink reference to an 'automatic document': 1. Open the appropriate Automatic document (e.g. Leadsheet). 2. From the menus, ...
How to add a Hyperlink Annotation reference to a Bookmark/Cell/Page in Word/Excel/PDF
CaseWare Hyperlink Annotations allow users to reference Bookmarks within a Word document and Cells within an Excel spreadsheet and Page number in PDF document. Note: Word / Excel documents must be included within the document manager for this to ...
How to add modify remove Map Flip Settings
CaseWare templates are designed to automatically flip accounts to the opposite side of the ledger, based on their imported sign. For example, if cash at bank account was once credit in the prior year but is now a debit (bank overdraft) this year, ...
How do I lock down or unlock a CaseWare file
Lock down allows the user to comply with the established standards governing the documentation an auditor should prepare and retain in connection with engagements such as audit of financial statements, audit of internal controls over financial ...
How do I display consolidated entities across the page?
In Automatic documents you are now able to format your Lead-sheets and analytical review type documents so they display the consolidated entities across the page. This will provide a format that presents the consolidated entity in one column and all ...
How do I Change the Colour of the Working Trial Balance
Users can change the colour scheme of the Working Trial Balance. To do this: 1. From the Tools tab, select Options to display the 'Options' dialog. 2. From the 'Properties' menu select General. 3. From the 'Colour Scheme' picklist select from the ...
How do I arrange the order of the groups displayed on Automatic documents
To arrange the order of the groups displayed on Automatic documents such as the Trial balance by leadsheet (i.e. 30-401): 1. From the ribbon, select Engagement | Setup Grouping 2. Click on any column heading until the triangle on the right side of ...
How can I use Microsoft Excel to tidy my ASCII Text files
A direct import from the client's accounting package into CaseWare is not always possible. Therefore, it may be necessary to import the trial balance using the ASCII text file method. It should always be possible to export your client’s trial balance ...
How can I improve the performance of CaseView and CaseWare Working Papers
When applications crash or exit abnormally the Windows temp folder can get clogged with left over tmp & bmp files. These left over files can cause CaseView to run slowly. In some tests, after clearing the Windows temp folder, opening a CaseView ...
Error -630 Optimization File Flushing Failure
Error # -630 Optimization File Flushing Failure is an error message mainly relating to the office network. Some typical examples why this error message may appear includes: High level of network traffic Temporary loss of network connection Faulty ...
Error 32: Cannot access file because it is opened by another user
If a user ever receives an error # 32 whilst trying to open / close an engagement file then it is likely to be the result of one of the following examples: Permissions of the share/user group do not have full access to the shared location. Error ...
Can CaseWare documents be exported to Microsoft Word & Excel
CaseWare Working Papers allows users to export CaseWare type documents to Microsoft products. Automatic Documents can be exported to Microsoft Excel. CaseView Documents can be exported to Microsoft Word. Automatic Documents To export automatic ...
Best Practices on CaseWare QuickBooks Export Utility
In order to extract data from QuickBooks you need the CaseWare QuickBooks Export Utility which is included within the installation media. Note: It is important that you read the instructions carefully and also ensure the following points have been ...