Note: The new embedded PDF area will be added to the bottom of the statement area list in the Document Map.
2. Click within the statement title, and modify the name of the area being added.

Note: The new name will also be updated in the Document Map.
3. Sort the area to the preferred sort position.
4. Drag or browse to the pdf to embed it into the statement area.
5. Click the View button to preview the attached PDF
6. To delete the attached PDF:
a. Click the

b. Within the ‘Delete file?’ dialog, click Yes.
7. To adjust the print settings:
a. In the upper right corner of the statement area, click the More actions button, and select Edit Print Settings.
b. Within the Print Settings dialog, assign the following selections:
i. Header: No header

Note: PDF should contain preferred headers on all pages
ii. Footer: Use document footer

Note: Document footer displays page number, consistent with other pages
iii. Margins: Use document margins
Note: This is consistent with other statements iv. Table of contents description:

Note: Assign the name to be displayed within the Table of contents.
c. Click Save.
8. To delete the embedded pdf area from the financial statements:
a. In the upper right corner of the statement area, click the More actions button, and select Delete Embedded PDF.
b. Click Delete.