What's New in Cloud Financials - Release Notes

What's New in Cloud Financials - Release Notes

April 2024

Welcome to Caseware Cloud Financials April 2024 release, June 2024 content version 2.1547 (June 2023 content version 2.1353). Any changes to the templates will only be applicable for new engagements created after the release date of 18 April 2024.

Import Trial Balance

New user interface and features to enhance the import trial balance process.

Reviewer License

New feature allowing contacts to review cloud financials engagement file in read-only mode.

Financial statements

  1. Directors’ Report
    1. Hard-coded references to ‘Directors’ have been replaced with Engagement glossary references to assist with automation of terminology.
  2. Note: Critical accounting estimates and judgments > Key estimates - receivables
    1. Minor wording changes
  3. Note: Revenue and other income > Volunteer services not recognised
    1. Guidance added
  4. Note: Financial risk management > Objectives policies and processes
    1. Hard-coded references to ‘Directors’ have been replaced with Engagement glossary references to assist with automation of terminology.


T.004 Mapping tool
Added to suite of Tools

Past Releases:

November 2023

Welcome to Caseware Cloud Financials November 2023 release, content version 2.1534. Any changes of the template will only be applicable for new engagements created after the release date of 23 November 2023.

Yearly template release

We have moved from having one cloud financials template to having a cloud financials template date stamped for each year.

AASB 101 Presentation of financial statements

AASB 101 Presentation of Financial Statements has been revised for annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2023, to require the disclosure of material accounting policy information rather than significant accounting policies.

Please click on the following FAQ link to view the list of accounting policies that do not meet the definition of material and can be removed from the financials if you deemed it non material.

Entity and reporting information optimiser

The following changes have been made to the Entity and reporting information optimiser:

The individual sign off feature has been removed for each optimiser question.

Statement area selection

The following new area has been added to the financial statements:

  1. Compilation report

Statement settings > Notes to the financial statements

Summary of significant accounting policies has been renamed to Material accounting policy information for the following:
  1. Optimiser option
  2. Guidance text

Statement dates

Both the financial year end date and prior year end date have been incremented by one year to:
  1. Financial year end date: 30 June 2024
  2. Prior year end date: 30 June 2023

Audit firm information > Sign off date

The sign off date entered also flows through to the newly created Compilation reports.

Directors’ report optimiser

The following changes have been made to the Directors’ report optimiser:
The individual sign off feature has been removed for each optimiser question.

Notes to the financial statements optimiser

The following changes have been made to the Notes to the financial statements optimiser:
The individual sign off feature has been removed for each optimiser question.

Note: Revenue and other income
  1. Accounting policy: Rental income
    1. New optimiser question
  2. Accounting policy: Grant revenue (for-profit entity only)
    1. Two new optimiser questions
Note: Property, plant and equipment
  1. Accounting policy: Property, plant and equipment - measurement basis
    1. New optimiser question
  2. Accounting policy: Property, plant and equipment - measurement type
    1. Two new optimiser questions
Note: Leases
  1. Accounting policy: Lessor accounting - Lease classification
    1. New optimiser question
  2. [Entity type] as lessee: COVID 19 Rent concession
    1. Optimiser question removed
Note: Transition to simplified disclosure
  1. All optimiser questions removed
Note: Summary of significant accounting policies
  1. Renamed to Material accounting policy information
  2. Revenue: Rental income
    1. New optimiser question
  3. Revenue: Grant income (for-profit entity only)
    1. Two new optimiser questions
  4. Property, plant and equipment: Measurement basis
    1. New optimiser question
  5. Property, plant and equipment: Measurement type
    1. New optimiser question
  6. Leases: Lessor accounting - Lease classification
    1. New optimiser question
  7. Impairment of non-financial assets
    1. New optimiser question
  8. Financial instruments: Financial assets
    1. New optimiser question
  9. Financial instruments: Hedge accounting
    1. New optimiser question

Financial statements

  1. Note: Basis of preparation
    1. Update wording from: ‘significant accounting policies’ to ‘material accounting policy information
  2. Note: Transition to simplified disclosure
    1. Note removed
  3. Note: Summary of significant accounting policies
    1. Renamed to Material accounting policy information
    2. Material accounting policy guidance added
  4. Accounting Policy: Basis for consolidation
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
    2. Minor wording changes
  5. Accounting Policy: Business combinations
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  6. Accounting Policy: Revenue
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
    2. Revenue from contracts with customers
      1. Minor wording changes
    3. Statement of financial position balances relating to revenue recognition
      1. Minor wording changes
    4. Rental income
      1. Minor wording changes
    5. Grant revenue (for-profit)
      1. New sub-note added
    6. Grant revenue (not-for-profit)
      1. New sub-note added
  7. Accounting Policy: Income tax (for-profit)
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  8. Accounting Policy: Borrowing costs
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  9. Accounting Policy: Goods and services tax (GST)
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  10. Accounting Policy: Cash and cash equivalents
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
    2. Minor wording changes
  11. Accounting policy: Inventories (for-profit)
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  12. Accounting policy: Inventories (not-for-profit)
    1. New accounting policy added
    2. Material accounting policy guidance added
  13. Accounting policy: Property, plant and equipment
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
    2. Minor wording changes
  14. Accounting policy: Investment properties
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  15. Accounting policy: Intangible assets
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
    2. Amortisation of useful lives
      1. Text and table sections added
  16. Accounting policy: Biological assets
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  17. Accounting policy: Exploration, evaluation and development assets
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  18. Accounting policy: Leases
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
    2. Right-of-use asset
      1. Minor wording changes
    3. Lessor accounting
      1. Minor wording changes
  19. Accounting policy: Impairment of non-financial assets
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  20. Accounting policy: Provisions
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  21. Accounting policy: Employee benefits
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  22. Accounting policy: Financial instruments
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
    2. Financial assets
      1. Minor wording changes
    3. Financial liabilities
      1. Minor wording changes
  23. Accounting policy: Share capital
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  24. Accounting policy: Foreign currency transactions and balances
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  25. Accounting policy: Adoption of new and revised accounting standards
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  26. Note: Critical accounting estimates and judgements
    1. Key estimates - Share based payments
      1. Minor wording changes
  27. Note: Revenue and other income
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
    2. Accounting policy - revenue from contracts with customers
      1. Minor wording changes
    3. Accounting policy - statement of financial position balances relating to revenue recognition
      1. Minor wording changes
    4. Accounting policy - rental income
      1. Minor wording changes
    5. Accounting policy - grant revenue (for-profit)
      1. New sub-note added
    6. Accounting policy - grant revenue (not-for-profit)
      1. New sub-note added
  28. Note: Business combinations
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
    2. Accounting policy
      1. Text sections added
  29. Note: Income tax expense
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  30. Note: Cash and cash equivalents
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
    2. Accounting policy
      1. Minor wording changes
  31. Note: Inventories
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
    2. Accounting policy
      1. New text sections added (not-for-profit)
  32. Note: Property,plant and equipment
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
    2. Accounting policy
      1. Minor wording changes
  33. Note: Investment properties
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  34. Note: Intangible assets
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
    2. Accounting policy - amortisation of useful lives
      1. Text and table sections added
  35. Note: Biological assets
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  36. Note: Exploration, evaluation and development assets
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  37. Note: Leases
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
    2. Accounting policy - right-of-use asset
      1. Minor wording changes
    3. Accounting policy - lessor accounting
      1. Minor wording changes
    4. [Entity type] as lessee: COVID 19 Rent concession
      1. Sub-note removed
  38. Note: Provisions
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  39. Note: Employee benefits
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  40. Note: Tax assets and liabilities
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  41. Note: Tax assets and liabilities
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  42. Note: Share capital
    1. Material accounting policy guidance added
  43. Independent audit report to the members
    1. Minor wording change wording to accommodate reference for Directors in Responsibilities text section
  44. Independent review report to the members
    1. Update wording from: ‘significant accounting policies’ to ‘material accounting policy information
  45. Compilation report
    1. General purpose added
    2. Special purpose added


T001 Import mapping descriptions

Guidance added
Minor enhancements

T002 Import adjustment journals

Guidance added

T002 Import consolidated adjustment journals

Added to suite of Tools

May 2023

Accounting Policies

We have added the ability to disclose accounting policies within the Summary of significant accounting policies, or within their respective main note.

Optimiser: Entity and reporting information

As a result of the above enhancement, the following selection has been added to the optimiser.

Optimiser: Notes to the financial statements

As a result of the above enhancement, all relevant accounting policy optimiser questions now reside in both the specific main note and Summary of significant accounting policy areas of the optimiser.

Embedded PDF

The embedded PDF feature which in the previous release was specific to the Auditor's Independence Declaration and Independent Audit Report, has been enhanced to accommodate a pdf to be included within the financial statements for any statement area.

Click the following link for guidance

Reconciliation checks

We have added the following reconciliation checks:
  1. Statement of cash flows / Note: Cash flow information

The line items that constitute this reconciliation check are as follows:

Statement of cash flows - direct/indirect

Net cash cash flows from/(used in) operating activities

Note: Cash flow information > Reconciliation of net income to net cash provided by operating activities table

Cash flows from operations

  1. Note: Revenue and other income > Revenue from contracts with customers / Note: Revenue and other income > Disaggregation of contracts with customers

The line items that constitute this reconciliation check are as follows:

Revenue from contracts with customers (for profit entities)
Revenue from contracts with customers highlighted sub-total
Revenue from contracts with customers (not for profit entities)

Revenue from contracts with customers (AASB 15) highlighted grand-total

Disaggregation of contracts with customers (upto three tables)

The total rows in each of the three following disaggregated tables.

  1. Statement of profit or loss / Note: Income tax

March 2022

Welcome to CaseWare Cloud Financials March 2022 release, content version 2.1138. Any changes of the template will only be applicable for new engagements created after the release date of 17 March 2022.

Summary of the changes are as follows:

  • Fixes to note input tables to ensure data presents correctly in the carry forward file.

The detailed changes are as follows:

The following notes contain input tables that have had fixes applied to carry forward settings:

  • Transition to simplified disclosures

    • All tables

  • Impairment of assets

  • Business combinations

  • Trade and other receivables

    • Impairment of receivables

  • Biological assets

  • Employee benefits

    • Plan assets

  • Financial risk management

    • Credit risk > Reconciliation of changes in the provision of receivables

    • Market risk > Foreign exchange risk

  • Dividends

    • Dividends declared or paid

    • Proposed dividends

  • Share capital

    • Share capital movements

  • Interests in subsidiaries

    • Subsidiaries with material non-controlling interests

    • Disposal of ownership interest

    • Acquisition of ownership interest

    • Disposal of subsidiary that results in loss of control

  • Interests in associates

    • Material associates

  • Interest in joint arrangements

    • Material joint ventures

  • Fair value measurement

    • Fair value hierarchy

    • Assets and liabilities not measured at fair value but for which fair value is disclosed

  • Share based payments

    • Options summary

    • Modification of share-based payment arrangements

  • Cash flow information

    • Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities

    • Borrowing facilities

  • Related parties

    • Transaction with related parties > all tables

  • Parent entity

    • Statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive

February 2022

Welcome to CaseWare Cloud Financials February 2022 release, content version 2.1121. Any changes of the template will only be applicable for new engagements created after the release date of 24 February 2022.

Summary of the changes are as follows:

  • Enabled a new feature to maintain a consistent spacing between contents.
  • Enabled a new feature to maintain consistent underlines in the dynamic tables
  • Added Tier 1 - General Purpose content to the template

  • Updated how we capture the name of the signing directors in the optimiser

  • Renamed the product to Cloud Financials

  • Added additional mapping numbers to support the new Tier 1 - General Purpose content and to provide more detailed disclosures

The detailed changes are as follows:


Entity and reporting information optimiser

  • Financial statements type option added, which allows for the preparation of the following financial statements:

    • Tier 1 General purpose

    • Tier 2 Simplified disclosure

    • Special purpose (Only for Incorporated Associations)

  • Directors Report

    • Up to two directors names have been added to the sign-off area

Notes to the financial statements optimiser

  • Financial risk management note

    • Optimiser items Interacting with Tier 1 general purpose note

  • Fair value measurement note

    • Optimiser items interacting with Tier 1 general purpose note

  • Interest in subsidiaries

    • Optimiser items interacting with Tier 1 general purpose note

  • Interest in associates

    • Optimiser items interacting with Tier 1 general purpose note

  • Interest in joint arrangements

    • Optimiser items interacting with Tier 1 general purpose note

  • Trade and other receivables note

    • Optimiser question required for Impairment of receivables

    • Optimiser question required for Collateral held as security

Financial Statements

  • Financial risk management note

    • New note created for Tier 1 general purpose

  • Fair value measurement note

    • New note created for Tier 1 general purpose

  • Discontinued operations note

  • Contract balances note

  • Interest in subsidiaries note

    • New note created for Tier 1 general purpose

  • Interest in associates note

    • New note created for Tier 1 general purpose

  • Interest in joint arrangements note

    • New note created for Tier 1 general purpose

  • Key management personnel remuneration note

    • New note created for Tier 1 general purpose


Financial Statements

  • Accounting policy > Foreign currency transactions and balances

    • Content broken out into three distinct sub-notes

  • Basis of preparation note

    • Updated for Tier 1 general purpose 

  • Income tax expense note

    • Accounting policy wording removed and streamlined

  • Tax assets and liabilities note

    • Accounting policy wording removed and streamlined

  • Leases note

    • Added content for Tier 1 general purpose

      • Right-of-use asset prior year movement table

      • Statement of comprehensive income 

      • Statement of cash flows

      • Entity type as lessor > Finance leases maturity analysis table

  • Intangibles note

    • Added content for Tier 1 general purpose

      • Prior year movement table

  • Property, plant and equipment note

    • Added content for Tier 1 general purpose

      • Prior year movement table

  • Related parties note

    • Transaction with related parties updated with extra table categories

  • Cash flow information note

    • Added content for Tier 1 general purpose

      • Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities

      • Non-cash financing and investing activities

      • Borrowing facilities

    • Cash flow information table line items automated

  • Share capital note

    • Added content for Tier 1 general purpose

      • Capital management

  • Critical accounting estimates and judgements note

    • The following sub-notes have been added

      • Control assessment

      • Key judgments - available-for-sale investments

      • Key judgments - capitalisation of exploration and evaluation expenditure

      • Key judgments - lease classification

      • Classification of joint arrangements

      • Key estimates - construction work in progress

      • Key judgments - cash flow hedge accounting

      • Key judgements - taxes

      • Key estimates - receivables

      • Key estimates - property held at fair value

      • Key estimates - provisions

      • Key estimates - revenue recognition long term contracts

      • Key estimates - fair value of financial instruments

      • Key estimates - impairment of goodwill

      • Key estimates - impairment of property,plant and equipment

  • Trade and other receivables note

    • Added content for Tier 1 general purpose

      • Impairment of receivables

      • Collateral held as security

  • Fair value measurement note (Tier 2 Simplified disclosure)

    • Note expired

  • Biological assets note

    • Added content for Tier 2 simplified disclosure

      • Fair value measurement

  • Borrowings note

    • Added content for Tier 2 simplified disclosure

      • Fair value measurement

  • Other financial assets note

    • Added content for Tier 2 simplified disclosure

      • Fair value measurement

  • Investment properties note

    • Added content for Tier 2 simplified disclosure

      • Fair value measurement

  • Property, plant and equipment note

    • Added content for Tier 2 simplified disclosure

      • Fair value measurement

  • Reconciliation Summary

    • Added the following reconciliation tables

      • Property, plant and equipment - Closing balance PY / Opening balance CY

      • Intangibles - Closing balance PY / Opening balance CY

      • Right-of-use assets - Closing balance PY / Opening balance CY

      • Investment properties - Closing balance PY / Opening balance CY

      • Investment properties > Fair value adjustments - Statement of financial position / Statement of profit or loss

      • Provisions - Closing balance PY / Opening balance CY

      • Tax assets and liabilities > Deferred tax liabilities - Closing balance PY / Opening balance CY

      • Statement of changes in equity - Closing balance PY / Opening balance CY

New Mapping 

  • Finance income and expense note

    • 8.250.200 Amortisation of borrowing costs

  • Contract balances note > Amortisation of contract cost asset

    • 8.200.110 Contract cost assets

  • Contract balances note > Contract cost assets

    • 1.800.130 Contract cost assets

    • 1.800.130.100 Incremental costs to obtain a contract

    • 1.800.130.110 Costs to fulfil a contract

    • 1.800.130.800 Other contract cost assets

    • 2.800.130 Contract cost assets

    • 2.800.130.100 Incremental costs to obtain a contract

    • 2.800.130.110 Costs to fulfil a contract

    • 2.800.130.800 Other contract cost assets

  • Results for the year note

    • 8.800.200 Foreign resident withholding expenses (excluding capital gains)

  • Revenue note > Other income

    • 6.800.300 Payments received subject to foreign resident withholding (excluding capital gains)

    • 6.800.310 Payments received where ABN not quoted

    • 6.800.320 Distribution received from partnerships

    • 6.800.330 Distribution received from trusts

    • 6.800.340 Forestry managed investment scheme

    • 6.800.350 Fringe benefit employee contributions

  • Employee benefits note > Current

    • 4.700.110 Annual leave

  • Tax assets and liabilities note > Deferred tax assets

    • 2.410.100 Property, plant and equipment

    • 2.410.110 Impairment

    • 2.410.120 FVOCI movements

    • 2.410.130 Fair value gain

    • 2.410.140 Deferred tax liabilities attributable to tax losses

    • 2.410.150 Accelerated capital allowances for tax purposes

    • 2.410.160 Liabilities for health care benefits accrued

    • 2.410.170 Provision against equity

    • 2.410.180 Revaluation, net of related depreciation

    • 2.410.190 Transaction costs on the equity issue

    • 2.410.800 Other derived tax assets

  • Tax assets and liabilities note > Deferred tax liabilities

    • 4.410.100 Property, plant and equipment

    • 4.410.110 Impairment

    • 4.410.120 FVOCI movements

    • 4.410.130 Fair value gain

    • 4.410.140 Deferred tax liabilities attributable to tax losses

    • 4.410.150 Accelerated capital allowances for tax purposes

    • 4.410.160 Liabilities for health care benefits accrued

    • 4.410.170 Provision against equity

    • 4.410.180 Revaluation, net of related depreciation

    • 4.410.190 Transaction costs on the equity issue

    • 4.410.800 Other derived tax liabilities

  • Income tax expense note

    • Arising from the write-down, or reversal of a previous write-down, of a deferred tax asset

    • Relating to those changes in accounting policies and errors that are included in profit or loss

  • Detailed profit or loss statements: nature and function

    • 8.300.150 Share based payments

Existing Mapping Updates

  • Map number description change

    • 8.800.170.120 Net loss on disposal of investment property

    • 2.600.110 Right-of-use assets

    • 2.500.160 Furniture, fixtures and fittings

  • Flip map numbers assigned

    • 6.200.120 Fair value gains on forward exchange contracts

      • Assigned: 8.350.190 Fair value losses on forward exchange contracts

    • 6.200.130 Net gain on financial assets at FVTPL

      • Assigned: 8.350.130 Net loss on financial assets at FVTPL

    • 6.200.140 Foreign exchange gain on financial assets and liabilities

      • Assigned: 8.350.140 Foreign exchange loss on financial assets and liabilities

    • 8.350.130 Net loss on financial assets at FVTPL

      • Assigned: 6.200.130 Net gain on financial assets at FVTPL

    • 8.350.140 Foreign exchange loss on financial assets and liabilities

      • Assigned: 6.200.140 Foreign exchange gain on financial assets and liabilities

    • 8.350.190 Fair value losses on forward exchange contracts

      • Assigned: 6.200.120 Fair value gains on forward exchange contracts

  • Flip map numbers removed

    • Impairment

    • Impairment

Other changes 

Financial Statements

  • Firm Administration Tools

    • Statement glossary and generic tables area to assist firm developers

  • Consistent spacing

    • Refreshed to ensure consistent spacing between note titles, paragraphs and note tables.

September 2021

Welcome to another update of Cloud Financials SDS. Our goal for this release is to complete the content of the Cloud Financials SDS based on the recommendations provided by Carmen on the RDR to SDS comparison document located in our AASB 1060 knowledge base and Carmen’s review of the sample accounts.

These changes will be reflected on new engagement created after 23 September 2021. 

The detailed changes are as follows:


  • Directors report

    • Added two new disclosure for limited by guarantee

      • Detailed directors information

      • Directors meeting attendance

    • Modified the auditor’s independence declaration wording for limited by guarantee

  • Statement of financial position

    • Added note number references

  • Statement of profit or loss - nature

    • Moved the Share of net profits of equity-accounted investment to the income section

  • Statement of cash flow 

    • Updated line item related to lease liabilities

  • Critical accounting estimates

    • Added content for share based payments for Company

  • Fair Value note 

    • Removed the note and integrate the content to the following note

      • Property, plant and equipment

      • Intangible assets

      • Investment property

      • Biological assets

      • Other financial assets

      • Borrowings

  • Leases note 

    • Removed content not required for SDS

  • Revenue note

    • Removed content not required for SDS

  • Leases note

    • Updated wording

  • Related party note

    • Updated the key management personnel wording

  • Basis of preparation

    • Changes reference to Australian Accounting Standards - Simplified Disclosures

  • Financial risk management

    • Updated the table line item for derivative financial instruments

  • Share capital

    • Added movement table for each share category

  • Income tax note

    • Updated table to match new mapping numbers

  • Tax assets and liabilities

    • Restructure the note to accommodate for

      • DTA and DTL accounting policy

      • DTA and DTL disclosure table

  • Accounting policies

    • Updated the wording in the following policies

      • Employee benefits

      • Revenue from contracts with customers

      • Leases

      • Intangible assets - goodwill

      • Impairment of non-financial assets

      • Financial instruments - financial assets

      • Property, plant and equipment - depreciation

      • Revenue - statement of financial position balances relating to revenue recognition

  • Auditor’s independence declaration

    • Adjust the visibility conditions for limited by guarantee to use the Corporations ACT auditor’s independence declaration.


  • Results for the year

    • New note created to complete SDS content

  • Detailed profit or loss statement has been added to the template

    • This can be enabled on the Areas Required in the 1. Entity and Report selection optimiser

  • Biological assets

    • Added a new manual note for Biological assets

  • Share based payments

    • Added a new note for Company

New Mapping 

  • Income tax note

    •   Arising from the write-down, or reversal of a previous write-down, of a deferred tax asset

    •   Relating to those changes in accounting policies and errors that are included in profit or loss

  • Deferred tax assets

    • 2.410.100 Property, plant and equipment

    • 2.410.110 Impairment

    • 2.410.120 FVOCI movements

    • 2.410.130 Fair value gain

    • 2.410.140 Deferred tax assets attributable to tax losses

    • 2.410.150 Accelerated capital allowances for tax purposes

    • 2.410.160 Liabilities for health care benefits accrued

    • 2.410.170 Provision against equity

    • 2.410.180 Revaluation, net of related depreciation

    • 2.410.190 Transaction costs on the equity issue

    • 2.410.800 Other deferred tax assets

  • Deferred tax liabilities

    • 4.410.100 Property, plant and equipment

    • 4.410.110 Impairment

    • 4.410.120 FVOCI movements

    • 4.410.130 Fair value gain

    • 4.410.140 Deferred tax liabilities attributable to tax losses

    • 4.410.150 Accelerated capital allowances for tax purposes

    • 4.410.160 Liabilities for health care benefits accrued

    • 4.410.170 Provision against equity

    • 4.410.180 Revaluation, net of related depreciation

    • 4.410.190 Transaction costs on the equity issue

    • 4.410.800 Other deferred tax liabilities

Other changes

  • We have moved the statement title to engagement glossary

    • This will allow us to insert the statement name throughout the financial statements in lower case.

    • You will need to follow the following steps to modify the statement name

      • Find an instance of the statement name that you want to change in the Financial Statements

      • Double click on it and change it

  • We have enabled consistent spacing feature

    • This means the spacing between note title, text and paragraph is consistent in pdf output

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